professional relationship

美 [prəˈfeʃənl rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp]英 [prəˈfeʃənl rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp]
  • 职业关系
professional relationshipprofessional relationship
  1. A reference should only ever be given from the perspective of your professional relationship with the individual never hearsay .


  2. Professional relationship privilege is an important aspect of witness privilege and also one of the privileges that have the earliest existence .


  3. What began as a professional relationship became a personal one pretty quickly , despite us coming from very different backgrounds .


  4. You said we 'd keep our professional relationship .


  5. Professional relationship between doctors can help in special situation .


  6. You have a professional relationship with my husband .


  7. Part IV summarizes the professional relationship between art arts with the masses .


  8. The restructuring of professional relationship ;


  9. Commonwealth protocol prohibits anything other than a purely professional relationship .


  10. After exchanging business cards , neither expected anything more than a professional relationship would ensue .


  11. Co-operative relationship A professional relationship based on collegial and reciprocal actions , and behaviour that aim to achieve certain goals .


  12. Each time that happens , you must develop a new professional relationship with the person you rely on for direction , development , and future advancement .


  13. It 's your call whether to buy gifts for clients , vendors or people you have a professional relationship with outside the office .


  14. This will help to decrease the chances of having a misunderstanding and to build Wang Peng and Adam 's professional relationship .


  15. This placement of Uranus is most helpful in a professional relationship that involves doing some scientific or technical work or in any relationship in which a new solution to a problem must be found .


  16. If you are on the receiving end of a rejection from a co-worker , it 's polite to let the other person off easily , not least because you must continue your professional relationship .


  17. The latter refers to interested relationship , professional relationship , individual faith and fidelity , etc. The third chapter analyzes the defects in the witness ' qualification systems in our country and proposes consummated suggestion to the witness ' qualification .


  18. Where such a close personal , professional client relationship must exist , direct channels may be the only feasible choice .


  19. Establish professional customer relationship with our existing accounts through regular visits and calls to know their needs in their future projects .


  20. Adopt the American illustration department , professional setting relationship with animation , explores the relationship between illustrator and Chinese cartoon talents are scarce reasons .


  21. Good human relations ability , be professional in handling interpersonal relationship , and doing ideological work .


  22. Social Governance professional beggars , the relationship between political stability and building is a harmonious society , civilization , and highly political .


  23. Most of the studies , however , focus on pre-service English teachers ' professional skills and the relationship between their professional development and the curriculum reform .


  24. For a quantitative analysis of the professional capability and its relationship with other factors , two basic hypotheses are put forward : ( 1 ) The professional capability of every student is capable of showing itself initially during university time ;


  25. This paper takes Einstein as an example to explain the significance of the general education to the professional education , the relationship between versatile talents and specialists , as well as the essential differences between the modern general education and the extensive learning of traditional model .


  26. The fourth part is the judgment standard of the rationality of leaving prohibition . Specifically including Existence of worthy protected legitimate interests of the company , the limits of time , regional and professional activities , the relationship between resignations non-compete agreement and economic compensation terms .


  27. Professional Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives , careers , businesses or organizations .


  28. The second part analyses the basis of the professional ethics of construction supervision , which includes professional task , professional responsibility and professional relationship ;
